Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Amazing GrammLeenie has Left...

Sadness has descended upon the Van Smithstrand house, as the amazing one has departed after 41 amazingly awesome days. We are forever in her debt, and offer the following poem (to be sung to Lucy) as thanks:

The amazing GrammLeenie,
Took charge from the start,
At times, she was GrammCleanie
kept the house from falling apart,

Lucy fell in love,
With smiles every day,
Reaching for the sky,
When "Sooo Big!" was in play,

The weather wasn't great,
But the leenster never* frowned,
Through rain or snow or fog or wind,
Or onesies lightly browned,

So we bid adieu,
To the one they call Amazing,
With memories and helpful hints,
Our chicken we will be raising.

*"never" may be replaced with "often"

Pics to come...


GramE said...

Lucy Loo Chibigoo,
I miss you Sooo Much ['.']
I love you Sooo Much ['.']
Hugs & Kisses too

Alison and Mark said...

Aw...sad! Lucky for both Lucy and Leenie that the reunion is only a month away.