Saturday, November 7, 2009

Best of Halloween 2009!

The bakers and their blueberry prepare for trick-or-treating

Calculated time of face make-up toleration: approximately 10 seconds

Aunt Sarah Mimi's pukie pumpkin

Co- costume seamstress Ilaria Crow (other co-seamstress Gramleenie)

Uncle Chris rocked a fake mustache OVER his real one

Chicken (er, Blueberry) and Papa Baker making their way around the neighborhood

Trick-or-treating is safe when you're wearing a body-sized cushion as your costume

Chasing the blueberry that got away!


Jenn said...

SHorts! Must have been warm. Love the costumes.

nana.chaps said...

Lucy is as cute as a "berry"!
Loved your clever costumes! You all
look great.

Chris said...

i can really rock a stache.