Monday, August 31, 2009

The past few months

It's been slow up in here. We know. We are trying, but we are very busy with work (curating), work (tech startup doing good things in the world), and eating blueberries (yes, she does other things, but not as happily).

Here are some random pics to catch you up:

Uncle G gets beat in basketball, gets beard shaved off.

Lucy hanging in the bathroom, or Courtney Love, age 1.


Reading with the Reever (coming soon to PBS).

Reading alone.

Aren't we cute?


Chris said...

can't wait to see you on halloween, chicken! we'll get dressed up together.

Chris said...

Lucy, someday when you're older we'll try to explain why Reever the Reader's "hanging out" attire is equivalent to what Chris wears to work, which is in turn what Mike wears to weddings. The phrase is old school and it has its roots in some sort of Dutch/New Jersey circa WWII/banker stoicism.

Papa said...

well, true, except the pleats.