Monday, May 12, 2008

Sorry for the Delay

So much has happened, which we will show you in the coming days. The "Amazing GrammLeenie" has taken over the household and Lucy could not be happier. J's show is up and looking fabulous, and Smitty is back at work and missing the Goose every working minute. Seattle is still giving us a wintery/spring mix of weather, but things are looking good for the second half of May (wasn't it March that goes in like a lion and out like a lamb?) It is light out until 9 PM, which is a nice consolation.

Lucy is smiling and starting to find her laugh. It's a clearing the throat, gutteral laugh at the moment, with a few squeaks, squeals, and coos to keep us ooh-ing and aah-ing everytime she does anything. She has us in the palm of her hand, completely. She's crafty, that one.

She has also moved on to the #2 diaper size (they go newborn, #1, #2, #3...). The beginning of a new diaper size is great because they are slightly bigger than ideal which causes less poo to find its way out of the diaper. This past week has been the tail end of the #1 size, and GrammLeenie has been changing onesies almost as often as diapers.

J and I also had our first time away of sorts without the little chicken. Lara, Tobin and crew asked us out dinner and cleverly chose a restaurant near our house, and since we love them and walking 6 blocks to go somewhere is our life, we of course went, leaving Lucy at home. Ok, not the greatest escape considering we were within a 2 minute brisk walk home and Lucy was under GrammLeenie's watch, but still.

Pics coming soon. Miss you all!

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